Monday, March 05, 2007

HIV+ patient with 36 years. CD4<200. Hypoxemia with hypocapnia.

Case by Dr. Castaño/Dr. Luis Tata


Anonymous said...

Emphysema with small subpleural bullae. Small area of subpleural fibrosis with a small cavity in the right apex. Mild fibrosis in the left apex. Right sided Aortic arch with right-sided Descending Aorta.

Based on the information given, I think the hypoxia is due to his emphysema. Does he have any other cardiac anomaly? It is very unlikely that the apical lesions are active and are the cause of his problems.

lmt said...

Thank´s for your comment! As you noted the patient have a right sided Aortic arch and also a left liver (situs inversus). He also have enfisema and a cavited apical lesion as you pointed. But the actual problem is more subtil. Try to magnifie the last image (click on it).

Anonymous said...

Hi lmt,
On the enlarged image I can see some discrete and confluent small subpleural nodules. The differential diagnosis would be very wide.
Is there some specific finding that I have missed? What is your diagnosis?

lmt said...

Thank´s Vijay.
The patient had a tree in bud pattern that is best visualized in the 7 mm images (this HRCT images have motion artifact). So in this patient our diagnosis is bronchogenic tuberculosis.